Sunday, 26 May 2013

ia meyakitkan jiwa aku.
aku cube kate kat diri aku, org2 macam tu hny wujud dalam filem je.
xdapat punye la nk carik kat luar.

tp semua tu mmg xbenar. aku belum lagi lihat dunia sebenar.
aku baru je keluar dari tempurung katak.
dunia ni luas sgt, x sampai  1% pun lagi aku explore.

geram sgt rasenye bile tgk org macam tu ada depan mate aku.
dan adalah kawan aku sendiri.
hampir nk menggigil aku di buatnye.


Friday, 24 May 2013

sometimes i feel that i need to find a better friend.
in the end, i realized that i'm the problem.
how people act, based on who we are.
you're a shit. you got a shittty friend.
you're an asshole. you got an asshole friend.
you're arrogant. you got no real friend.
you're nice. you got a friend who tend to fuck you over.

finding a really good friend is like to find a black ant, on a black stone, at night with no lights.

i'm not giving up hope to find one.
but i try to do what i can.
i don't mind if no one consider me as their best-friend or even a good friend,
but as long i don't hurt anyone,
than i'm okay..

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

experiment menjadi.
post sebelum ni hny testing untuk tgk ada org bace ke x blog ni.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

do you know how it feels..
when you trying to make a friend look good to other people eyes..
but, in the end they think you're the bad guy..

of course you don't..

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

punye la marah semalam. 
bangun tido terus x rase apape dah.
bagus jugak.
aku tak mahu emosi buat tindakan untuk aku.
kebanyakan org menyesal dengan keputusan yg dorg buat semasa marah.

Friday, 4 May 2012

aku tgh risau ni.
aku ada sudden rage yg datang secara tibe2.
kalau aku tgh tensen, then ada something yg provoke aku,
walaupun hal yg kecik..
hny dalam mase 0.1 milisecond tu aku akan buat decision yg xpatut.
contohnye dalam mase 0.1 milisecond tu aku penah langgar sorg budak arab ni secara sengaja.

Saturday, 28 April 2012

there's so many things to discover in this world,
 i feel ashamed to waste it by sleeping.

Friday, 9 March 2012

the moment when the movies, or games, or tv series you like,
ended and you go back to your crappy life..

i feel you bro..

Saturday, 4 February 2012

hati aku tertinggal di madrid..